June 1995

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Note from the Editors

Robert V. Anderson describes the importance and meaning of words and phrases in a 1791 deed from William and Mary Coxe to Oliver Collins and others. A transcription of the deed is included. Robert Anderson is emeritus professor of Political Sciences and Social History at Utica College of Syracuse University. He lives in New Hartford and has contributed his Characters or Just People stories in the October 1994 and January 1995 issues.

Sandra Brown provides an account of the Wixson family that came to Frederickstown, now Wayne, in 1791 and settled along Little Lake, now Waneta Lake. They built a large house in 1795-1797 that is the residence today of Mrs. Brown. She supplied the early picture of the house, and the information and stories used here about the Wixson family and their ancestors and relatives. Don Rowland who is Historian for Wayne provided a picture of the Wixson Homestead as it looks today.

In the second installment of Brigham Young's Presence in the Finger Lakes Lives on in Legend and Fact, Richard Palmer seeks to sort out documented facts from guessed-at connections and handed-on tales about Brigham Young and his family.

John Rezelman's review of the June 1888 activities of Kanona farmer T. N. Smith. John tells us that June that year was a more relaxed time on the farm after the planting months of April and May. Mr. Smith sold his excess hay and grain, got ready to store a new harvest, did some field cultivating, and enjoyed social relaxations. John Rezelman lives in Bath.

More from Barbara Bell's book letters to Suzanna. This "letter" tells about the plants Susahannah's mother collected for greens and medicinal brews, and the flowers she raised to beautify their cabin. Barbara Bell lives in Irelandville and wrote Charles Cook, The Father of Schuyler County in the April 1995 issue.

Next Issue

The July issue will feature an article about coverlet weavers in the Finger Lakes region by Anne Brewer, and a reminiscence of 1925 summer evenings in Coming by Robert F. McNamara for this month.

Joe Kane remembers well his experiences during the flood of July 1935, and tells us about it 60 years later.

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